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    Redefining Scientific Research with xFusion: The Evolution of Peking University's HPC Platform

    Redefining Scientific Research with xFusion: The Evolution of Peking University's HPC Platform

    2024-03-14 Views 1590

    As China’s preeminent university, Peking University (PKU) has long been devoted to pioneering cross-disciplinary education and research. But exponential growth in HPC platform user exposed limitations in their HPC capabilities.

    “Our alliance with xFusion is instrumental in building a cutting-edge, sustainable HPC ecosystem that empowers our community’s scientific inquiry and innovation.”

    Mr. Lei Yian, Director of PKU’s HPC Platform

    xFusion architected the “Weiming No.2” Cluster with its advanced FusionServer series, delivering 1.43 PFLOPS of computing power and 4.5PB of storage. This massive upgrade turbocharged performance while enhancing sustainability. xFusion’s cooling technologies and power-saving innovations slashed energy use, showcasing joint stewardship for eco-friendly computing.

    Dive into the story of how this strategic alliance is redefining academic research infrastructure, creating a pathway for groundbreaking discoveries and innovation.

    Summary of Key Points

    Client: Bank Neo Commerce (BNC)
    Industry: Digital Finance
    Region: Indonesia


    BNC's exponential growth created urgent needs to enhance its data center infrastructure for scalability, security, and manageability to maintain leadership in the financial sector.


    • 50% improvement in power efficiency
    • Accelerate data transmission and task communication
    • Reduce power loss to an impressive 12.5%
    • Cut power failure rates by 50%
    • 8% energy savings

    xFusion Solution

    • FusionServer 2288H
    • xFusion's High-Performance Networking Solutions
    • Self-developed DrMOS technology and heat dissipation system
    • Dynamic Power Adjustment - Processor DEMT


    Client: Peking University
    Industry: Higher Education & Scientific Research
    Region: China


    Peking University required an advanced HPC infrastructure capable of supporting its expanding research community and maintaining its prestigious position in academia.


    • 1.43 PFLOPS high-performance computing power
    • 4.5 PB of storage capacity
    • Ultimate Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)
    • Faster job running and queuing times
    • Overall improved experience for users

    xFusion Solution

    • FusionServer 2288H
    • FusionServer X6000
    • FusionOne HPC Solution
    • VRD energy-saving technology
    • Self-developed Scene Tuning (BMC&BIOS)
    • Bridge-Free PFC technology
